
5 A painting of mass 3 kg is hung off a wall with two strings attached to the top two corners of the painting. Each string makes an angle of 45 degrees with the ceiling. What is the tension in the strings?


A painting of mass 3 kg is hung off a wall with two strings attached to the top two corners of the painting. Each string makes an angle of 45 degrees with the ceiling. What is the tension in the strings?


1 Answers

askiitian expert Rahul iitd
askIITians Faculty 10 Points
10 years ago
It can be solved by balancing the forces:
By symmetry we can safely assume that Tensions in both strings is same
Balancing forces vertically
2Tsin45 = mg
2Tsin45 = 30
T = 15*1.414
T = 21.21 N in each string
Thanks and Regards
Rahul kumar
askIITians faculty
IIT Delhi

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