
4 A chain of mass 2 kg is resting on a table with half of its length hanging over the edge of the table. What force does the chain exert on the table?


A chain of mass 2 kg is resting on a table with half of its length hanging over the edge of the table. What force does the chain exert on the table?


1 Answers

askiitian expert Rahul iitd
askIITians Faculty 10 Points
10 years ago
This question can be easily solved if we consider chain as a whole being suspended due to the presence of table, that is the reason chain is not falling is that its weight is balanced by table.
Hence total force exerted by chain on table is equivalent to its weight W = mg = 19.6N.
Thanks and Regards
Rahul kumar
askIITians faculty
IIT Delhi

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