
2 condenserr A, B, each having slabs of k=2 are conctd in series. Whem they r conect acros 230 V supply, pd acros A is 130 V and that across B is 100 v. If dielectic in condenser of smaler capacitance is replaced by one for which k=5. What wil be the pd across them? Give me a brief ans.

2 condenserr A, B, each having slabs of k=2 are conctd in series. Whem they r conect acros 230 V supply, pd acros A is 130 V and that across B is 100 v. If dielectic in condenser of smaler capacitance is replaced by one for which k=5. What wil be the pd across them? Give me a brief ans.

Grade:12th Pass

1 Answers

Sher Mohammad IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 174 Points
10 years ago
THe potential difference will v=ir
put the value of i, and r to get the potential difference.

sher mohammad, iit delhi

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