
please explain me the concept of electric potential and work done in a field. i am confused over it?take best example

please explain me the concept of electric potential and work done in a field. i am confused over it?take best example


1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


The movement of a positive test charge within an electric field is accompanied by changes in potential energy.

example : A gravitational analogy can be relied upon to explain the reasoning behind the relationship between location and potential energy.

Moving a positive test charge against the direction of an electric field is like moving a mass upward within Earth's gravitational field. Both movements would be like going against nature and would require work by an external force. This work would in turn increase the potential energy of the object. On the other hand, the movement of a positive test charge in the direction of an electric field would be like a mass falling downward within Earth's gravitational field. Both movements would be like going with nature and would occur without the need of work by an external force. This motion would result in the loss of potential energy. Potential energy is the stored energy of position of an object and it is related to the location of the object within a field.

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