
A non conducting spherical shell of inner radius "a" and outer radius "b" has p= A/r where a is constant and r is the distance from the center of shell . in addition a positive point charge "q" is locatewd at center . What value should A have if electric field in the shell is to be uniform ?

A non conducting spherical shell of  inner radius "a" and outer radius "b" has p= A/r where a is constant and r is the distance from the center of shell . in addition a positive point charge "q" is locatewd at center . What value should A have if electric field in the shell is to be uniform ?


1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

(∫(from r=a to r=s)(A/r)(4pi*r2)dr)/(4πε0s2)=q/(4πε0s2)

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