x + 1) = 3 has the general solution:3x – cos x sin3The equation 4 ( sin x cos (n pi / 4) + ( 8 /pi) ( npi/ 2) + ( 3 pi /8)n pi (+/– ) (5 pi / 8) (n pi/4) + ( 7 pi / 4)4 sin x cos x (cos^2 x – sin^2 x) = 3 – 42 sin 2x cos 2x = – 1sin 4x = – 1( i got it till here but how is below equation dervied)4x = 2n * pi + 3pi/2
Meghana , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Dear Meghana
sin4x = – 1
or you can say
4x = n* pi + (-1)^n * 3 pi/2
but when you put n as even and odd and if you combine those two
you will get
4x = 2 n pi + 3 * pi/2
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