Flag Trigonometry> Thank you for your prompt answer. But my ...
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Thank you for your prompt answer. But my doubt is not clear. According to the AM-GM inequality:1)a sin²θ + b cosec²θ≥ 2 √a*√b2)a cos²θ + b sec²θ≥ 2 √a*√b3)a tan²θ + b cot²θ≥ 2 √a*√bApplying these inequalities I get answer 6 which is lower than your answer 7. You have applied Pythagorean trigonometric identities first and then AM-GM inequality. So I think 6 is the minimum value. Please explain my mistakes.

Avik Chattopadhyay , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Utsav Basu

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Well to clear your doubts, let me just ask you a question:
You claim that
min(sin2θ + cosec2θ) = 2 , and, at the same time,
min(cos²θ + sec²θ) = 2 , right?
Now, is there any value of θ for which your above claims hold simultaneously? The answer is no.
Since, suppose, if min(sin2θ + cosec2θ) = 2, then sinθ = cosecθ = 1
But then, min(cos²θ + sec²θ) = 2 does not hold true.
The same is true for the reverse.
I hope I am able to clear your doubts. Please approve my answers if so...

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