numerator = sin theta +1 - cos theta = 2 sin theta/2 cos theta/2 + 2 sin^ theta/2
denominator = 2 sin theta/2 cos theta/2 - 2 sin ^2 theta/2
number = (cos theta/2 + sin theta/2)/(cos theta/2 - sin theta/2)
= (cos theta/2 + sin theta/2)^2/(cos^2 theta/2- sin ^2 theta/2) = (cos^2 theta/2+ sin^2 theta/2 + 2 cos theta/2 sin theta/2)/(cos theta) = (1+ sin theta)/ cos theta
= sec theta+ tan theta
Hence Proved
ankit singh
Last Activity: 4 Years ago
convert all into sine and cosine then further simplify to get the result
(cos theta/2 + sin theta/2)^2/(cos^2 theta/2- sin ^2 theta/2) = (cos^2 theta/2+ sin^2 theta/2 + 2 cos theta/2 sin theta/2)/(cos theta) = (1+ sin theta)/ cos theta
= sec theta+ tan theta
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