
show that √2+√2+√2=2cos8θ.


5 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
9 years ago
Not possible as maximum value of cos is 1. Thanks
Mohammed Tameem Mohiuddin
10 Points
9 years ago
Thankyou sir.
Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
9 years ago
My Pleasure.
Prajwal Kavad
603 Points
9 years ago
maximum value of cos of something is 1 ,hence no solutions
D jaya
19 Points
8 years ago
hai friends  plese choos answered quetions.  the answer is
it is impossible beacase  cos maximum value is 1, so no solution for this quesion.

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