In a triangle ABC, A=2 pii/3, b-c=3.3^1/2 cm and area of triangle ABC =9.3^1/2/2 cm^2.Then a is(A) 6.3^1/2 cm(B)9 cm(C)18cm(D)none of these
PRAMAY , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
We have an angle A The difference of 2 sides: b-c which can be used to frame an equality by squaring it So the formulae that need to be used are: Area of triangle: ½ bc Sin A a2= b2 + c2-2bcCosA (COsine law of triangle) a/SinA= b/SinB=c/SinC (Sin law of triangle)
Use these formulae to get the answer...
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