
If triangle ABC is inscribed in circle, the length of arc AB = 3, length of of arc BC = 5, length of arc CA= 10, find the angles of the triangle

If triangle ABC is inscribed in circle, the length of arc AB = 3, length of of arc BC = 5, length of arc CA= 10, find the angles of the triangle

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Hasan Naqvi
97 Points
9 years ago
Since AB+BC+CA= 18 is the circumference of the circle.
Then the angles subtended by these at the center will be
3/18* 360 = 60 deg;
5/18*360=100 deg;
10/18*360=200 deg.
Angles of the triangle will be half of these, ie 30 deg, 50 deg, 100 deg.

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