
if the tangents of the angles of a triangle are in AP, prove that the squares of the sides are in the ratio x2(x2+9):(3+x2)2:9(1+x2) where x is tangent of the least or the greatest angle

if the tangents of the angles of a triangle are in AP, prove that the squares of the sides are in the ratio x2(x2+9):(3+x2)2:9(1+x2) where x is tangent of the least or the greatest angle


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
5 years ago
Dear student

Consider equilateral triangle
Angles are 60;60;60
Tan angles are sqrt 3
x^2 = 3

Ratio of sq of sides 1:1:1 which is not the case on solving given expression

Kindly check the EQ and repost


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