
If a,b,c are in HP . then, ab+bc=2ac. using this prove that sin 2 (A/2).sin 2 (B/2)+sin 2 (B/2).sin 2 (C/2)= 2sin 2 (A/2).sin 2 (C/2)

 If  a,b,c  are in HP . then, ab+bc=2ac.
using this prove that 
sin2(A/2).sin2(B/2)+sin2(B/2).sin2(C/2)=                     2sin2(A/2).sin2(C/2)


1 Answers

25750 Points
6 years ago
Dear student
Let assume later part is correct hence we have to prove a, b, c are in hp
X/2= (1-cosX)/2Use the cosine law to indulge the sides a,b,c into the eqn.Simplify to get the answer.2C/2...(AP)Write the average of this AP.Convert Sin2B/2, 1/Sin2A/2, 1/Sin2Write the AP average term in context to the HP given :1/Sin

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