
how to find no. of solutions of given equations

how to find no. of solutions of given equations


1 Answers

Yash Baheti IIT Roorkee
askIITians Faculty 97 Points
10 years ago

Finding no of solutions is easy. Just look out for all the solutions possible. For ex. if I say

Sin (x) = ½
Now write the solution set.

First type of solution set is principle solution which includes solution in between 0 to 2pi. Second type of solution is general solution which is defined for all the trigonometric ratios.

If you are looking for non trigonometric functions, then you have to solve the equation and simplify it.

It is most to check the solutions back, specially in case of inequalities and log. Some of the solutions which are occouring may not satisfy your original equation, so be carefull on that part.;

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