cosx+cosy+cosz=0=sinx+siny+sinz then prove cos(x+y)+cos(y+z)+cos(z+x)=0
anu , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
1 Answers
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
cos(θ − x) + cos(θ − y) + cos(θ − z) = cos θ cos x + sin θ sin x + cos θ cos y + sin θ sin y + cos θ cos z + sin θ sin z = cos θ[cos x + cos y + cos z] + sin θ[sin x + sin y + sin z] = 0
Setting θ = x + y + z in (b), we get cos(x + y) + cos(y + z) + cos(x + z) = 0.
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