
If cosA + cosB + cosC = sinA + sinB + sinC = O, then the value of cos(2A-B-C) + cos(2B-A-C)+cos(2C-A-B) is ____. Can this question be solved with the help of the concept of complex numbers?

If cosA + cosB + cosC = sinA + sinB + sinC = O, then the value of
cos(2A-B-C) + cos(2B-A-C)+cos(2C-A-B) is ____.
Can this question be solved with the help of the concept of complex numbers?


1 Answers

Sumit Majumdar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 137 Points
10 years ago
Hello student,
Please specify if A, B, C are angles of a triable itself.
This can be done using complex numbers provided we have some relation between A, B and C being the angles of a triangle.
Thanks & Regards
Sumit Majumdar,
askIITians Faculty
Ph.D,IIT Delhi

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