
(a) Can ice be heated to a temperature above 0ºC without its melting? Explain. (b) can water be cooled to a temperature below 0ºC without its freezing? Explain. (See “The under cooling of Liquids,” by David Turnbull, Scientific American, January 1965, p. 38.)

(a) Can ice be heated to a temperature above 0ºC without its melting? Explain. (b) can water be cooled to a temperature below 0ºC without its freezing? Explain. (See “The under cooling of Liquids,” by David Turnbull, Scientific American, January 1965, p. 38.)


1 Answers

Aditi Chauhan
askIITians Faculty 396 Points
9 years ago
Yes, ice can be heated to a temperature above 0̊ C without its melting. It is possible if we increase the pressure of the system.
Yes, water can be cooled to a temperature below 0̊ C without its freezing. It is possible if we decrease the pressure of the system.

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