Flag Physical Chemistry> write the basis of VESPR theory and expla...
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write the basis of VESPR theory and explain its significant ..??

Ayush , 4 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Answer :

VSEPR means Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion. This vsepr theory explains how molecules and ions behave. It is used to determine the shapes of molecules and ions.

1. The principle of VSEPR is that the valence electron pairs surrounding an atom mutually repel each other, and will therefore adopt an arrangement that minimizes this repulsion, thus determining the molecular geometry.
2. There are two types of valence shell electron pairs
(i) bond pairs – shared by two atoms, occupies less space and cause less repulsion.
(ii) lone pairs – not involved in bonding and are in attraction with one nucleus, occupies more space and cause more repulsion.
These two valence shell electron pairs affect the geometry of the molecule.
3. In vsepr, electron pairs in multiple bonds are considered as single super pair.
4. The shape of the molecule is determined by number and type of valence shell electron pairs around central atom.
5. The VSEPR rules mainly predict the layout of electron pairs surrounding one or more central atoms in a molecule, which are bonded to two or more other atoms. The geometry of these central atoms in turn determines the geometry of the whole molecule.


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