Flag Physical Chemistry> Write its iupac name in organic chemistry...
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Write its iupac name in organic chemistry and how it will be produce

Suchismita , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

1-Chloro-3-methyl-butane will be its IUPAC name.
As chloro is the main parent atom so the nu,bering will start from there.
It can be produced by the chlorination of 3-methyl-but-1-ene.

Vaddi Harshitha

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

1-chloro 4-methylbutane is the IUPAC name of the given compound
bcoz chlorine(cl) is the main substituent attached to the CH2 in the given compound
one of the way to produce 1-chloro4-methylbutane is chlorination of 3-methyl-1-butene 

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