Flag Physical Chemistry> why salts are sprinkled on roads to clean...
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why salts are sprinkled on roads to clean snow and also added in icecream

avinash.kumar68fea@gmail.com , 6 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Satyam Tripathi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Salt is sprinkled on roads in winters as it helps to melt ice.this is because of lee chatleers principal that every body wants to keep itself in equilibrim.the ice melts so that salt does not change its concentration...
In making icecream a lot of ice is added with salt.the ice dles not melt there but deacreases in temp.this is beacause when we add salt to it…it wants to melt and increase in temp . But due to a lot of ice in the apparatus,he ice dkes not get enough heat from the surrounding,thus it does not melt but instead make the icecream cold...
I think this is the correct explanation for your problem.This is inspired by the lee chatleer principal..
Thank you,if i am wrong the please let me know

kirti jain

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

salt reduces the melting point of ice therefore it remains in snow form and can be removed easily from roads

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