Flag Physical Chemistry> why do colloidal solutions differ in colo...
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why do colloidal solutions differ in colours?

kumarkirand12gmail@.com , 11 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Solutions are a homogeneous mixture of dissolved solute particles in a solvent. Everything is dissolved. A characteristic of solutions is that if a beam of light was passed through it, it would come out the other side completely the same. This is known as the Tyndall Effect.
Colloids are a dispersion of particles of one substance through a dispersing medium made of another substance. Mayonnaise is an example of a colloid. If a beam of light is passed through a colloid, it will be scattered and dispersed in different directions. The wavelength of the light may change too, causing a different color to appear.

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