Flag Physical Chemistry> WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING coordination entit...
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WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING coordination entities has maximum CFSE in octahedral field?[Co(CN)6]3-OR[Co(C2O4)3]3-

lisa , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
sonia singhroha

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

The magnitude of cfse depends on three factorsNature of ligandCharge in metal ionWhether metal belongs to 1st,2nd or third transition seriesHere,the central ion and the charge is same,the difference is in the ligand attached. CN is a strong field ligand while the c2o4 is a weak field ligand according to spectrochemical series and therofore the cfse would be maximum in [Co(CN)6]3- because the split would be more due to CN-ligand as comapred to [Co(c2o4)3]3- .

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