Flag Physical Chemistry> Which is more stable AsCl3 or AsCl5?and w...
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Which is more stable AsCl3 or AsCl5?and why?Please tell in detail

Govind , 8 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

AlCl3 is non polar, even though it is trigonal planar the atoms are spread symetrically making it non-polar.The Cl will be the central atom and it will share 3 of it's electrons, one with each As. Each As will share one electron with the Cl now creating single bonds with the other 4 electrons for the As's becoming lone pairs on each side of them. The remaining four electrons for Cl become two lone pairs. Anything with 3 bonds and 2 lone pairs is T-Shaped.

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