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what is meant by acid base titrations

ganesh bharadwaj , 10 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 3 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Acid base titration means the determination of concentration or rank of a solution with respect to water with a pH of 7.
All chemical reactions cannot be considered as titrations. A reaction can serve as a basis of a titration procedure only if the following conditions are satisfied:

The reaction must be a fast one.
It must proceed stoichiometrically.
The change in free energy (ΔG) during the reaction must be sufficiently large for spontaneity of the reaction.
There should be a way to detect the completion of the reaction.

Aarti Gupta

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Titration is defined as the process of determining the volumes of reagents,required for the just completion of a reaction.
Acid-base titration is one of the type of volumetric analysis.It is defined as-
‘The process of determining the strength of a solution of an acid or base by titrating against a standard solution of an alkali(base) or an acid.
When we determine the strength of a solution of acid by titration against a standard solution of an alkali is called acidimetry.Similarly when strength of an alkali is determined by titrating against standard solution of acid solution is called alkalimetry.
Indicators used in acid base titrations are either weak organic acids or weak organic bases.For ex- Phenolphthalein,methyl orange etc.

britto george

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

this is a simple question and you can get good things from solving this so just try

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