Using the following conductivities at infinite dilution Compound Λo (S cm2mol-1) KCl 149.9 KNO3 45.0 AgNO3 133.4 Calculate the limiting molar conductivity, (Λo) of AgCl solution.
joeli waqanivalu , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
2 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
^m = k/c
Molar conductivity is characterized as the conductivity of an electrolyte arrangement partitioned by the molar centralization of the electrolyte, thus measures the productivity with which a given electrolyte conducts power in arrangement
^m = 133.4 x 149.9/45.0
= 444.37 meter for every molarity
joseph toiraena
Last Activity: 3 Years ago
In an experiment, a solutions of 0.1M KCl was found to have a resistance of 35 Ω, respectively. The Conductivity of KCl is 1.2886x10-2Ω-1 cm-1. Calculate the cell constant.
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