Flag Physical Chemistry> two second order reaction given below hav...
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two second order reaction given below having identical frequency factors1) A→ productII) B→ productthe Ea for first reaction is 10.46 kj/mol-1 more than that of B. at 1000C ,the reaction I) is 30 % completed after 60 minute when intial concentration of A is 0.1 mol dm-3. how long will it take for reactionII) to reach 70 % completion at the same temperature true intial concentration of b is 0.05 mole litre-1

suman , 5 Years ago
Grade 6
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

K = 1/r = x/a(a-x) -- 2nd order equation 
a = 0.1M 
x = 0.1*30/100 = 0.03 , t = 60min 
K1 = 1/60*0.1 * 0.03/(0.1-0.03) = 0.07 min^-1
K2 = 1/t - x/(a-x) 
a = 0.05 
x = 0.035 
t = 22.22 min 

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