The nuclei of two radioactive isotopes of same substance one of mass number 236 and other of mass number 234 are present in the ratio 4:1 in an ore obtained from other planet. Their half-lives are 30 and 60 minutes respectively. Both isotopes are alpha ray emitters and activity of isotope of mass number 236 is 1 Rutherford (10^6 DPS) then find 1) After how much time their activities will become identical and 2) The time required to bring the ratio of their atom is 1:1 (answers are 180 minutes and 120 minutes) please give me the explanation....
Ass satwik , 6 Years ago
Grade 9
1 Answers
Avni Chauhan
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Simillarly in equation 1 put N1= N2 and move forward in a similar manner
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