Flag Physical Chemistry> The minimum and maximum values of wavelen...
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The minimum and maximum values of wavelength in balmer series of a H atom are?

bharti , 7 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Lyman arrangement of the hydrogen range can be spoken to by the condition: v=3.2881 x10^15 s^-1(1/1^2-1/n^2) (where n=2,3,...)1/wavelength = R*(1-1/n^2), where R is the Rydberg steady for hydrogen = 1.0974 x 10^7 m^-1. Since we're taking a gander at 1/wavelength, the base wavelength will happen when 1/wavelength is a most extreme, which happens when n goes to interminability (in this way 1/n^2 goes to 0), and 1/wavelength = R. Accordingly, the base wavelength is 1/R = 91.12 nm 
Balmer's unique equation was Wavelength = 3645.6 . 10^–10 ( n^2/(n^2 – 4) ) When n => unendingness Wavelength = 3.6456 . 10^–7 m ( or 364.5 nm) 
Proportion will be 91.2/364.5=0.25

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