Flag Physical Chemistry> The data shown below was obtained from an...
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The data shown below was obtained from an experiment to determine the concentration of a C7 hydrocarbon with a closely related compound added to each standard and to the unknown as an internal standard. Determine the percentage concentration of the unknown hydrocarbon and estimate the error in this value.Percent AnalytePeak Height AnalytePeak Height (Internal Standard)0.05018.850.00.10048.164.10.15063.455.10.20063.242.70.25093.653.8Unknown58.949.4

Jarra Moss , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
Can you please explain the data , Image of compounds are not visible , And what is these values , 
Please ask question clearly , or just give data to one compound , so that you can learn how to solve others.
Good luck 

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