Flag Physical Chemistry> System A and system B above are identical...
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System A and system B above are identical closedsystems that undergo a change of state from thesame initial conditions (P1, V1, T1) to the samefinal conditions (P2, V2, T2), but by a differentprocess. What are DU and q for the change instate for system B?

Bxt , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Kapil Khare

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Work Done in system A = W = -300J
Since, system A has gone through adiabatic process,
Heat transfer in system A = q = 0
Change in internal energy of A = W =  -300J
Since, initial and final condition of A and B are same,
Change in internal energy of A = change in internal energy of B
\implies Change in internal energy of B = -300
For system B,
q + W = change in internal energy of B
-200 + q = -300
\implies Heat transformmed = q = -100


Last Activity: 5 Years ago

The foremost concept that is going to be used in the question is that, Internal energy is a state function, that does not depend on the path (process) of the system, but on the initial and final state of the system.
For A, the process is Adiabatic, so heat exchance Q = 0.
U = Q + W (From First Law of Thermodynamics)
or, dU = W = -300J.
Now, for A and B, it is given that the Initial conditions and final conditions for each is the same, so the change in internal energy will also be the same. Hence, For B, dU = -300J
Again for B,
From First Law of Thermodynamics,
dU = dQ + dW
=> -300 = dQ – 200
or, dQ = -100 J
Thus, Option (B) is the correct answer!

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