Flag Physical Chemistry> Suppose that A and B form two compounds B...
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Suppose that A and B form two compounds B2A3 and B2A. If 0.05mole of B2A3 weighs 9 g and 0.1 mole ofB2A weighs 10g the atomic weight of A and B respectively are

Suvashree Dinda , 8 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Siva Rama Krishna Gudipudi

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

atomic weight of A is 40
atomic weight of B is 30
In these type of problems you may do it in a easy manner i.e...for 0.05 mole they have given weight and then you should calculate it for 1 mole ,in the same way the next one is also to be calculated then it is to find the answer

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