Flag Physical Chemistry> Statement I: The freezing of water is an ...
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Statement I: The freezing of water is an exothermic process BecauseStatement II: Energy is released when covalent bonds are formed.A) T, TB) F,FC) F,TD) T,F

Mayank Ranka , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 2 Answers
Rituraj Tiwari

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

When thewateris placed in a freezer, thewaterslowly loses heat to the surrounding cold air. Thewatermolecules on losing energy begin to move slowly, come closer and pack close enough to change to ice. In thisprocess, thewaterreleases heat to the surroundings, so it is anexothermic process.

Vikas Amritiya

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student
Freezing is a process of liquid changing its state to solid. In this process, the water releases heat to the surroundings, so it is an exothermic process.
When water lose energy, the individual molecules move slower (decreased kinetic energy). Eventually the water molecules will become locked in place (freeze) as they maximize the number of hydrogen bonds they form with other water molecules.  

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