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Sigma bond strengths S-S, S-P, P-P [closed]?

putus , 11 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 4 Answers
sumit kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Strength of bonds depends on its bond length. Smaller the length of bond, higher will be its strength.
First of all let me tell you that all the sigma bonds are more stronger than pi bonds. This is because sigma bonds are formed by head on overlapping of the orbitals which are more effective than the sideway overalapping of orbitals in case of pi bonds.
Sigma bonds are further classified as s-s , s-p & p-p bonds.
s-s bonds are formed by overlapping of two s orbitals.
p-p sigma bond is formed by overlapping of two p orbitals and
s-p sigma bonds are formed by overlappig of one s and one p orbita.
as it is clear from the above image that the order of bond lengths is s-s < s-p < p-p
so, order of bond strengths iss-s > s-p > p-p
Thanks & Regards
Sumit Kumar
askIITians Faculty

farooq anwar

Last Activity: 5 Years ago


Krish Gupta

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Strength of bonds depends on its bond length. Smaller the length of bond, higher will be its strength.
First of all let me tell you that all the sigma bonds are more stronger than pi bonds. This is because sigma bonds are formed by head on overlapping of the orbitals which are more effective than the sideway overalapping of orbitals in case of pi bonds.
Sigma bonds are further classified as s-s , s-p & p-p bonds.
s-s bonds are formed by overlapping of two s orbitals.
p-p sigma bond is formed by overlapping of two p orbitals and
s-p sigma bonds are formed by overlappig of one s and one p orbita.
The answer is very well explained and 
it is clear from the above image that the order of bond lengths is s-s
so, order of bond strengths is : s-s > s-p > p-p
Thanks & Regards
Krish Gupta
askIITians Faculty

Mukesh Dhaker

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Because energy of all orbital are same , now directional nature of orbital is dominant , hence we know p orbital is more directional than s orbital 

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