Flag Physical Chemistry> Show by a chemical reaction with water th...
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Show by a chemical reaction with water that Na2O is a basic oxide and Cl2O7 is an acidic oxide.

sudhanshu , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Hello Student
Na2O dissolves acid
Na2O + HCl → NaCl + H2O
This indicates that Na2O is basic.
​Cl2O7 reacts with NaOH,indicating its basic nature.
Cl2O7 + NaOH → NaClO4 + H2O

Aryan Kabra

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

The question says reaction with water.
So for Na2O, it will be
Na2O + H2O → 2NaOH
Hence Sodium oxide forms Sodium hydroxide thus it is a basic oxide
Similarly for Cl2O, it will be
Cl2O7 + H20 → 2HClO4
Hence Cl2O7 reacts with water to form perchloric acid thus it is an acidic oxide.
Hope the answer helped you

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