Flag Physical Chemistry> pH of 10 power -9M HCl is approx.? ( not ...
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pH of 10 power -9M HCl is approx.? ( not getting correct ans.)

Shriya Mehrotra , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Naveen Kumar

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Here H+ obtained by only HCl is =10-9M
As we also know that the H+ obtained by dissociation of water=10-7M
So here we can see thaty the H+ released by water is more that the dissociation of HCl
So consider both the H+ and caculate pH
Total H+=10-7.+10-9 M
In general, If the concentration of acid is quite low and the H+ released by the aciid is compareble to 10-7M(obtained by water),i.e(consider upto 100times, for example if acid is giving 10-5M or below it) then consider both H+ while calculatingf pH)
Hope you would get it.

Shriya Mehrotra

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

thanku sir.

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