Flag Physical Chemistry> justify itdensity of a crystal always inc...
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justify it density of a crystal always increases due to substitutinal impurity defect in fcc lattice a occupy corner pos and b occupy face centre if 1 atom of b is missing from 1 of the face centered pts find formula 1- agcl has same str as that of nacl edge length of unit cell of agcl is found to be 555 pm and density is 5.561 g/cm3 find percentage of sites that r unoccupied 2- the intermetallic cpd liag crystallizes in cubic lattice in which both li and ag have c.n 8 then the crystal class is simple cubic

keshav kr , 10 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

density of a crystal is mass/volume
here mass increases due to filling of impurity thus density increases

percentage of site that are unoccupied
no of agcl atom in unit cell=4
volume of unit cell=17*10^-23
percentage unoccupied=100-percentage occupied

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