Flag Physical Chemistry> Is molar heat capacity and Cp equal ? Are...
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Is molar heat capacity and Cp equal ? Are they different or are they same ?

varun garg , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Ariana Felton

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

dear varun garg,
                 they are same.molar heat capacity at constant pressure is represented by Cp
                                          hope it helps

shivansh mishra

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

molar heat capacity denoted by C, is just the ratio of heat and the product of the no of moles with the change in temperature...
however, Cp is molar heat capacity at constant pressure 
Cp=(f+2)R/2 for 1 mole of a gas.
f= degree of freedom of the gas
R= universal gas constant

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