If the diameter of a carbon atom is 0.15 nm, calculate the number of carbon atoms which can be placed side by side in a straight line across length of scale of length 20 cm long.
sudhanshu , 11 Years ago
Grade 12
2 Answers
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Hello Student Diameter of C atom = 0.15 x 10-9 m One carbon atom occupie0.15 x 10-9m Number of C atoms that can be placed in a straight line =20 x 10-2 m/0.15 x 10-9m =1.33 x 109
Ramnath Venkatesh
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Length of scale = 20 cm=20 x 10-2
Diameter of Carbon atom(given)= 1.5nm=0.15 x 10-9m
No.of atoms to be placed in the line=(20 x 10-2)m/(0.15 x 10-9)m=1.33×109
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