Kapil Khare
Last Activity: 6 Years ago
Yield of CO2 = (Amount of CO2 actually formed) / (Amount of CO2 that can be formed by complete oxidation of given carbon)
C + O
2 2C + O
1 mole of Carbon(C) yields 1 mole of CO2.
Number of moles of carbon = (240)/12 = 20 moles.
Number of moles of carbon that is used to form CO = Number of moles of CO formed = (280)/(28) = 10 moles

Number of moles of carbon used in the formation of CO
2 = Number of moles of CO
2 formed = 20 – 10 = 10 moles
Number of moles of CO2 that can be formed by the complete oxidation of given amount of carbon = Number of moles of carbon = 20 moles

Yield of CO
2 = (10)/(20) = 0.5

percentage yield of CO
2 = 0.5 * 100% = 50%