Flag Physical Chemistry> (i) Give the resonating structures of NO ...
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(i) Give the resonating structures of NO 2 and N 2O5.(ii) Write the main difference between the properties of white and red phosphorus.

Manvendra Singh chahar , 11 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Sunil Kumar FP

Last Activity: 10 Years ago


difference between white and red phosphorus

White Phosphorous is made up of tetrahedral groups of phosphorous (P4).

Red Phosphorous looks similar to White Phosphorous, except it is made up of two tetrahedral groups of phosphorous, attached by one side. It is more stable than the white allotrope, which will slowly turn into red phosphorous, after being heated or in the presence of light.
white phosphorus
garlic odour,poisonous,highly reactive,show phosporesence,soluble in cs2
red phosphorus show opposite properties

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