Hydrogen like species in excited state A absorbs 3.066 eV of energy and gets excited to state B. Electron on returning from state B to ground state n=1 can give maximum of 10 different spectral lines. Now, some lines have energy less than 3.066 eV, some have energy equal to 3.066 eV, but only 4 lines have energy more than 3.066 eV. Find state ‘A’.
Harman kaur , 10 Years ago
Grade 11
1 Answers
Suraj Prasad
Last Activity: 10 Years ago
The total spectral lines is given by the formula n(n-1)/2, you have to check the nergy transition of every line. and you will get your answer,.......... ….…............ ….….….….…. ….….….….….….. ….….….….….….…...
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