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How to identify hybridisation of a particular atom usually moreover in the shortcut of no of sigma bonds plus no of lone pairs=2=sp and =3 sp2 if 4 then sp3 so on how to the no lonepair

Azx , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
soliha noor

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

If stearic no. =2 hybridisation is sp,,
                   =3                        sp2
                   =4                        sp3
                   =5                        sp3d
                   =6                        sp3d2
                   =7                        sp3d3
If we take the example of carbon dioxide the no. of bond pairs{sigma}  around carbon are 2 and there is no lone pair  on carbon...so the stearic no. comes out to be 2+o=2 and thus hybridisation is sp..........If we another example of BrF4-{overall charge is -} , total no. of bond pairs around Br are 4 and lone pairs  are 2 {because remaining electrons are 3 + 1 electron due to -ive charge  constitute 4 electrons in total which is equal to 2 lone pairs} ..thus stearic no.=6,,hybridisation =sp3d2

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