Flag Physical Chemistry> how much energy is required to ionise a H...
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how much energy is required to ionise a H atom if the electron occupies n=5 orbit? Compare your answer with ionization enthalpy of H atom

Rishi Manoj , 6 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Apurva Sharma

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

the ionisation energy of an atom E= -2.18 * 10^{-18} Z^{2}/n^{2}
so the energy required to ionise the atom when n=5
E= -2.18 * 10^{-18} * 1^{2}/5^{2}
E= -8.72*10^{-20} J      …....eq 1
now ionisation energy of H atom, i.e. n=1
E= -2.18*10^{-18} * 1^{2}/1^{2}
E= -2.18*10^{-18}      …...eq 2
on comparing both eq 1 and 2 we conclude that 
eq2/eq1 :
-2.18*10^{-18}/ -8.72*10^{-20} =25
thus the enrgy required to remove electron from 1st orbit is 25 times the energy required to remove electron from 5th orbit.

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