
How do emulsifires stabilise emulsion? Name two emulsifiers.

How do emulsifires stabilise emulsion? Name two emulsifiers.


1 Answers

Suraj Prasad IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 286 Points
9 years ago
Emulsifiers are among the most frequently used types of food additives. They are used for many reasons.

Emulsifiers can help to make a food appealing. The example of the mayonnaise without the emulsifier shows how unappealing it would be if the oil and water separated before it was used. Emulsifiers have a big effect on the structure and texture of many foods. They are used to aid in the processing of foods and also to help maintain quality and freshness. In low fat spreads, emulsifiers can help to prevent the growth of moulds which would happen if the oil and fat separated. The table shows foods in which emulsifiers are most commonly used.

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