
Glucose or sucrose are soluble in water but cyclohexane or benzene (simple six membered ring compounds) are insoluble in water. Explain.

Glucose or sucrose are soluble in water but cyclohexane or benzene (simple six membered ring compounds) are insoluble in water. Explain.


1 Answers

Sunil Kumar FP
askIITians Faculty 183 Points
10 years ago
glucose and sucrose are soluble in water becaue they are able to form hydrogen bond with water molecule where it is not possible in case of cyclohexane and benzene
there are 5 oh group and 8 oh group in case of glucose and sucrose there there is an interaction between glucose,sucrose molecule with water and thus undergoes extensive hydrogen bonding.
benzene or cyclohexane do not undergo such hydrogen bond and thus are insoluble

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