The Deacon process is a process used during the manufacture of alkalis (the initial end product was sodium carbonate) by the Leblanc process. Hydrogen ...
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
The Deacon process is a process used during the manufacture of alkalis
The Deacon process is a process used during the manufacture of alkalis (the initial end product was sodium carbonate) by the Leblanc process. Hydrogen ...
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
Gavvala Ganesh
Last Activity: 9 Years ago
The Deacon process is a process used during the manufacture of alkalis (the initial end product was sodium carbonate) by the Leblanc process. Hydrogen ...
The reaction takes place at about 400 to 450 °C in the presence of a variety of catalysts, including copper chloride (CuCl2). Three companies developed commercial processes for producing chlorine based on the Deacon reaction:[1]
The Kel-Chlor process developed by the M.W. Kellogg Company, which utilizes nitrosylsulfuric acid.
The Shell-Chlor process developed by the Shell Oil Company, which utilizes copper catalysts.
The MT-Chlor process developed by the Mitsui Toatsu Company, which utilizes chromium-based catalysts.
The Deacon process is now outdated technology. Most chlorine today is produced by using electrolytic processes. New catalysts based on ruthenium(IV) oxide have been developed by Sumitomo together with the detailed mechanistic analysis.[2]
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