Flag Physical Chemistry> D) Ha w density Which of the following ar...
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D) Haw densityWhich of the following are measurable properties of gases area) Volume of gasb) Pressure of gas C) Temperature of gasAssertion and Reason type questions.a) Both 'A' and R are correct and 'R' is the correct explanation of 'A'b) Both 'A' and 'R' are correct but R is not the correct explanation of Ac) 'A' is true, R is falsed) 'A' is false, R is trueAssertion (A): Gases are highly compressible.Reason (R) : Large intermolecular space between the gas moleculesStatement type questions.a) All the statements A, B and C are correct b) All the statements A.c) A, B are correct and C is incorrectd) A, B are incorrect andStatement (A): Any thing which occupies space and has no weight is calleStatement (B): Solids can be compressedT​

Aditi , 4 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
abhay gupta

Last Activity: 4 Years ago


Volume of gas

Both 'A' and R are correct and 'R' is the correct explanation of 'A'

A, B are incorrect

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