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Compare and contrast arrhenius theory and collision theory

Simran chaurasia , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

A substance response happens because of crash among reactant atoms. 
The quantity of impacts occurring every second per unit volume of the response blend is known as crash recurrence (Z). 
The estimation of impact recurrence is high, of the request of 1025to 1028in instance of parallel crashes. 
Each impact does not bring a substance change. 
The impacts that really create the items are compelling crashes. 
The successful crashes which bring synthetic change are few in contrast with the frame an item are ineffectual versatile impacts, i.e., atoms simply impact and 
scatter in various bearings with various speeds. 
ARRHENIUS condition is given by 
k=Ae^(- Ea/RT) 
where An is the preexponential factor,Ea is the enactment vitality and T is the temperature.

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