Flag Physical Chemistry> CHEMICAL CELL...
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DHARMA , 10 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

Electrochemical cell is a system or arrangement in which two electrodes are fitted in the same electrolyte or in two different electrolytes which are joined by a salt bridge. Electrochemical cells are of two types:
Electrolytic cell
Galvanic or voltaic cell
Electrolytic cell
It is a device in which electrolysis (chemical reaction involving oxidation and reduction) is carried out by using electricity or in which conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy is done.
Galvanic or voltaic cell
It is a device in which a redox reaction is used to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, i.e., electricity can be obtained with the help of oxidation and reduction reaction. The chemical reaction responsible for production of electricity takes place in two separate compartments. Each compartment consists of a suitable electrolyte solution and a metallic conductor. The metallic conductor acts as an electrode. The compartments containing the electrode and the solution of the electrolyte are called half-cells. When the two compartments are connected by a salt bridge and electrodes are joined by a wire through galvanometer the electricity begins to flow. This is the simple form of voltaic cell.

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Pankaj Singh
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