Flag Physical Chemistry> At room temperature the following reactio...
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At room temperature the following reactions proceed nearly to complete :2NO + o2→ 2NO2→ N2O4The dimer, N2O4, solidifies at 262 K. A 250 ml flask and a 100 ml. flask are separated by a stop-cock. At 300 K, the nitric oxide in the larger flask exerts a pressure of 1.053 atm. And the smaller one contains oxygen at 0.789 atm. The gases are mixed by opening the stopcock and after the end of the reaction the flasks are cooled at 220K. Neglecting the vapour pressure fo the dimer, find out the pressure and composition of the gas remaining at 220 K. (Assume the gases to behave ideally).

Amit Saxena , 10 Years ago
Grade upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Navjyot Kalra

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

2NO + O2 → 2NO2 → N2O4
Calculating the number of moles of NO and O2 by applying the formula, n = PV/RT
Moles of NO in the larger flask = 1.053 *0.250/0.082 *300 = 0.0107
[250 mL = 0.250 L]
Moles of O2 in the smaller flask = 0.789 * 0.0100*0.082 * 300 = 0.0032
[100 mL = 0.100 L]
The reaction takes place as follows.
2NO + O2 → N2O4
Moles before 0.0107 0.0032 0
Mole after 90.0107- 0 0.0032
reaction 2 * 0032)
Hence moles of NO reacting completely with 0.0032 moles of O2 = 2 * 0.0032 = 0.0064
Moles of NO left = 0.0107 – 0.0064 = 0.0043
NOTE : Oxygen will be completely changed into NO2 which in turn is completely converted into N2O4 which solidifies at 262 K. Hence at 220 K, the dimer is in the solid state and only NO present in excess will remain in the gaseous state occupying volume equal to 350 ml.
Hence pressure (P) of No gas left
= nR/V = 0.0043 * 0.082 * 220/0.350 = 0.221 atm
[Total volume = 0.250 + 0.100 = 0.350 L]

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